The Team


I’m not a mental health expert. I’m a film maker, a problem solver, a talker. And in 2014, I lost my mate Steve, to suicide.

I wanted to stop the next Steve taking his own life. So I made a film (and toured the country with it) – but while we were finishing the filming a conversation with Neil (a producer on the film) changed everything. 

Talk Club was born. 

We’d just finished filming and Neil and I were sitting in a pub in Farringdon in September 2018 waiting for a load of our mates to turn up.

Me: I’ve been thinking, we need to do something more. Like Andy’s Man Club, CALM’s Best man project and the round table (from the film).

Neil: I’ve been thinking about that too.  Something preventative. 

Ben: Yeah like Danny Sculthorpe said – “Mental fitness” – 

Neil: What about a talking group for men before they get too stressed or ill. Up stream. Not when things are broken.

Ben: Yeah I like that.  We need a name. 

Neil: Talking FC – working with football clubs. 

Ben: Yep, like football clubs. What about Talk…


Ok it was’t exactly like that, but it sort of was. From there, (with help from Neil’s brother Mark) the logo was formed. The idea developed. We then asked Blue, Tom and Gav to join the gang – and Claire my wife said I’m joining too – and the Founders of Talk Club were formed. 

Working daily with such amazingly driven, purposeful and creative people is not only a joy, but it is saving lives. 


After experiencing and overcoming my own mental health decline, I felt compelled to take action by raising awareness and providing solutions for other men’s mental health challenges. It started by launching an ethical aftershave and grooming brand that’s aim was to turn profits into mental health projects. I was then introduced to Ben after backing the crowd fund campaign for his documentary on men’s suicide and the rest is history! We’re just a normal bunch of people with a shared passion and purpose for improving men’s mental health. We want to create a world where no man suffers in silence because they have the Talk Club community ready to listen and support.


Having Co-Produced on the documentary “Steve”, which was the inspiration for Talk Club, I learnt so much about men’s additional struggles in day-to-day life simply because they feel unable to talk about issues openly.  As a woman, I regularly vent to my friends, listen, compare and discuss problems – and it benefits me greatly. And, although I always knew of the generalisation that “men don’t talk”, I thought it was just a stereotype. So, I am still constantly surprised just how much our message resonates. I believe that, not only can Talk Club save men’s lives but we have the potential, within this growing community, to challenge and turn this stereotype on its head for good. Let’s do this!


After 17 years of being a professional musician/songwriter I am nearing completion of my Therapist training.  

I bring to Talk Club my experience of working with young people as a music teacher, working with bereaved people at Cruse as a counsellor and last but not least – my awesome hair to the table. 

I’m approachable, genuine and have a natural verve for life. That’s why I’m head of people at TC.   


I remember getting a phone call from Ben about helping to produce the film Steve. And before he could get the sentence out, I said ‘I’m in!’.

We didn’t know Talk Club would come out of the film but we knew we had to do something to help men everywhere change what was happening.

Since its’ launch, the simple and powerful medicine of talking, listening and being there for yourself and others, never fails to remind me that suffering is our past not our destiny.


After years of personal battles with both depression and anxiety I decided to speak out to help inspire positive change amongst others. I channelled this message through pursuing public speaking, launching a podcast , and exploring different ways we can lead happier, healthier and better-connected lives.

With Fitness being a big part of this message, I was interviewed for Ben’s incredible and forward-thinking documentary ’Steve’ to contribute towards the preventative measures discussion for ownership and ongoing management of our mental fitness. Then, off the back of the film, Talk Club was born with the other incredible people you see on this page.